
Not many specially things happened today~ you know! 
Working hasn't been an woderful thing in my life anyway.
Especially when it is Moday...  
Christmas is coming!!  校內都還滿忙的~~
忙著decorate這個地方,忙著辦 party! 
忙完了 Christmas party, and we have football camp in Taipei.
After that we have winter course to begin. 好像事情根本就做不完
Christmas decorate完後,就要馬上拆掉換上New Year的東西!
怪怪~ 為什麼那麼忙??

Ryan sent me an email, told me about the party at his house at Christmas Eve. 
He said, there might be 30 people in a small room! Half of them are Shane teachers.
I might show up a bit!  去到那玩太晚我也會累ne!!
還要去那麼遠的地方~~ 就算了... 看看這個mail,寫的我好像一定得從Taipei Main
過去才不會迷路! 為什麼不直接給我地址呢!! 我比較好找咩~~

From Taipei Main Station、head up Hsin Yi road to Song Shan Road.  ( Song Shan Road is about a kilometer past Taipei 101.)  Turn left at the Family Mart onto Song Shan Road. At the end of the third block、turn right onto Lane 515. Pass the Flower shop on your right and in the middle of the next block you will see a park on your left. The apartment is on the right side opposite the park. It's #18. Use the doors on the left . Ring apartment 18. 



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