I've got a reallly busy weekend. 
Got off my work, went to Jen's house on Friday night.
Stayed there till midnight! Got quite drunk with Jen,Josh,Diccon and Chris.
After that I drove to 新竹 to pick up Kennith (My boy's new English name)
Came back home around 4o'clock in the morning. 
Had some sleeps for few hours, and woke up at 8o'clock in the morning.
Prepared my work on Saturday.  Had soooooo many trial students on Saturday.
And got reaaaally busy talking to students and parents.
And I also hurt my finger.

Went out with my friends to have dinner. Diccon even asked me to PR at Saturday night.
But I was soooo tired. So I told him not going there.
Woke up and got dressed, I went to hair dresser.
Got a new hair style. Went to granny's house to sing KTV for 5 hours without paying any money.
But have sooooo many newest songs in Kareoke machine.

Geee...   I can start imagine what will it like for next weekend.. 

Besides, why am using english to write my diary. Just because I hurt my finger. 
That's that!! Heee

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