Alright .. I'm bored. Don't know what to write. So.. enjoy the letter from one of my best friend.

Hello everybody,

Sorry am writing a group email, but I have to go out shopping in a
minute, and time waits for no man...

So I am in London, hoorah! It's been fabulous so far, I have been
hanging around with Hans in his flat and the park (Regent's park, the
best park in the world for your information Pon). He lives 10 minutes
walk away from all the best shopping places in London, so I have
accidentally spent a vast fortune (=a lot of money) on clothes, but
you only live once.

Apart from that we have been going to nice restaurants and cooking
Indian food and having lots and lots of sex. Ha ha!

Anyway, will write more interesting email later, just wanted to let
you all know I am here and alive, otherwise I am sure you would be
unable to sleep with anxiety and worry!

What's going on on the beautiful island?


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